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Heading into his second collegiate Head Strength and Conditioning position, Coach Zach Fears, was tasked with designing and procuring a new weight room for a HUGE renovation at Southeastern Oklahoma University.   Space was plenty in this room, Samson equipped the room with 16 Half Racks with Custom Tablet holders, 16 Combo Benches, Six Lat-Row Combo Machines, Six Glute Ham Developers, Four Hi-Low Cable Columns, One Belt Squat, and multiple rack attachments and accessory work tools!  With a completely separate turf room for conditioning we designed our first speed sleds for pulling.  As budget shifted through construction and renovation, Samson did not sacrifice custom branding!  The Graphic Shields read “Savage” and “Storm” on each side of the graphic shields and the bumper plates included custom team colors and logos which will play a great role in recruiting high caliber athletes to Durant, Oklahoma!

Southeastern Oklahoma University
Durant, Oklahoma