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175 yolanda berryhill samson strength coach collective 3

On the latest edition of the Samson Strength Coach Collective, we speak with Texas A&M Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for Women’s Basketball, Yolanda Berryhill. During the episode we discuss Yolanda’s Basketball Performance Collective, what “Women In Sports” means to her, and building trust in a high performance system.


“Growing up in a very small country town in South Georgia, about 45 minutes from the Florida line, watching my mom, my sisters, my family, you know, it’s the country. It’s a closed mindedness that people don’t realize they have. And with that comes some old stigmas, right? Women should be here. They should stay in this box. Men should do this and they should stay in this box. And I guess I never really understood how I felt about it until I got older. And unfair doesn’t really seem like the best word. But not having the same opportunities as just my male counterparts when maybe I know as much, maybe I know more, maybe I have some type of skill set that’s needed that is not even seen because I am a female.”

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