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S2 E174: Zane Scott | Journey of A Basketball Strength CoachOn the newest episode of the Samson Strength Coach Collective, we speak with Director of Olympic Strength and Conditioning for Florida Atlantic University, Zane Scott. During the episode we discuss how to navigate the sport coach/strength coach relationship, Zane’s experience going to the Final Four, and how to best work with basketball athletes


“So I’m, I’m driving back to New York to move 33 hour drive. And he calls me and he says, Hey, how does $400 a month sound in a stipend? You’re going to live with 10 guys. you’re gonna have a meal plan. What he didn’t tell me about the meal plan is that, well, we worked from six to noon, so breakfast is out the window. I had from 12 to one, and then I could eat dinner at like seven. So I got two meals in the dining hall, but he hooked me up with a little side gig, so I made some money. But I mean, I lived in basically a frat house. And like I said, man, like I was like, all right, this is the test. And I was gonna tell him no. I’m like, bro, I have a master’s degree. I have experience both in college and private. Like I’m basically running my own sessions, this, that, and the other thing. And so I called my friend Ty and he was a strength coach. He was interning at Syracuse at the time. And I called him. I said, man, I’m not taking it. I’m not taking it. And he goes, do you have any other offers? And I said, nah. And he goes, looks like you’re taking it.”

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S2 E174: Zane Scott | Journey of A Basketball Strength Coach