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174 brad raines samson strength coach collective (3)

On the latest edition of the Samson Strength Coach Collective, we speak with United States Air Force Academy Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach, Brad Raines. During the episode we discuss the concept of “followership,” life for cadets at USAFA who are also athletes, and the bodyweight circuits that have become infamous on their campus.


“But I think for the most part, especially in a situation that we are at the Academy, it’s kind of an intuitive process. Because there’s not a freshman that walks into our institution and like just gets it. It’s not built for that. It’s really built for you to follow in the footsteps of those in front of you. And it lends to a very good understanding of how our processes work. And it lends to a really good transition from that followership to that leadership as they collect more time, more reps”

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