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170 emily wright-cisek samson strength coach collective (3)

On the latest edition of the Samson Strength Coach Collective we speak with Dr. Emily Wright. Dr. Wright is owner of The Wright Mindset LCC, where she serves as a mental performance coach. During the episode we discuss the role of a mental performance coach, break down common misconceptions about sports psychology, and the concept of mental toughness.


“Like that’s the stuff, like the art, our fields, right? Nutrition, strength and conditioning, mental performance, athletic training. Those are to me the things like if you’re doing it right, and we’re figuring out ways to kind of collaborate with coaches and those teams and that to me, those are the things that set you apart in the long run because I think at some point, and I’d say at the college level for sure, maybe probably even high school, everybody becomes really good at their sport. And it’s hard to kind of figure out, okay, what’s gonna separate me? And I think it’s these pieces of the puzzle that when you can get them going and you can put them together, that’s the stuff that I think separates you.”

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