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168 Christina Bernal samson strength coach collective

On the latest edition of the Samson Strength Coach Collective, we speak with Christina Bernal. Christina currently serves as an Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach at the University of Pennsylvania. During the episode we discuss building relationships with everyone in the building, the emotional burden of being an S&C coach, and her experience as Internship Director at UPenn.


“I feel like that’s really the unspoken job of strength and conditioning coaches, because you see some people at their very worst. Your job is to break them down physically. You’re literally helping them tear muscle tissue so they could build back stronger, right? And sometimes you’re seeing people at their very worst and hot take, but I feel like that’s a big part of what contributes to the burnout of strength coaches is because you take on so much emotional and mental turmoil that people are sharing with you that people don’t realize how much that adds up.”

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