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S2 E167: Jeanette Krupp | Stay Strong KruppOn this episode we discuss “Stay Strong Krupp,” with Coach Jeanette Krupp. Stay Strong Krupp is a nonprofit organization that uses fitness events to bring a message of hope and spread awareness about substance use disorder, mental health, and many other issues facing today’s society.


“So that’s why you can’t tell me that this isn’t something that needs to be discussed. Over 150 ,000 people, you know, we’ve lost. That’s the Cowboy Stadium filled. They have overdosed, they have died. This isn’t the ones just even struggling. So all of those have a mom, a dad, a brother, a sister, kids. And you know, I always say, if you’re not impacted by it, count your blessings. You were truly blessed, but you might have children that they’re sitting in a classroom next to a child who is, because the numbers are way too high to think that someone in your child’s classroom is not impacted by this.”

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S2 E167: Jeanette Krupp | Stay Strong Krupp