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189 justine tramontana sscc 3

On the latest edition of the Samson Strength Coach Collective, we speak with Justine Tramontana, Sports Physical Therapist for Breakthrough Physical Therapy. During the episode we discuss how to be proactive in continuing education, how strength coaches and DPTs can best work together, and the joys of successful DPT-client relationships.


“This kid is your typical like mean mug. I’m walking down the hall. Like I’m not, he’s like, he might like nod to me, but that’s it. I’m not getting the hay. I’m not getting a hug. I’m not getting anything. And so he scores and I’m ecstatic. You know, I’m like screaming, you know, whatever. And he comes, he cheers with his buddies. And you know, I turn and he’s running down the sideline towards me and he just picks me up and gives me this huge hug. And I mean, that was like four years ago and it still just like brings warmth to my cheeks when I talk about it because the only reason that I do what I do is because at the end of the day, if I can make an impact in one kid’s life from a, especially from like a mental health and sports standpoint, my life is made.”

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S2 E189: Justine Tramontana | Leveling Up